Month: July 2015

Revisions in the Federal Loan Interest spells New Benefits for the Loan Seekers

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In America, almost 40 per cent of the students graduate with a federal student loan debt. Of them, 90 percent have to wait till the 10th year to clear the loan debt completely without scoring a credit fault. The average debt burden borne by the student passing from a two-year course in America is a massive USD 7000.

With the announcement of the Obama Student Loan forgiveness scheme, the amnesty available to every American student is a healthy one.  They can now balance their educational ambition without being downed by the burden of inflating academic costs and rising tuition fees. The Student loan forgiveness program is a healthy initiative that curbs the accumulation of the debts by giving a spread-over term of more than 20 years. For public servants, the term is discounted to 10 years beyond which they are no longer required to pay a single penny back the federal loan lenders.

Obama student debt forgiveness

How much debt is channeled from Federal Student Loans?
For decades, the federal student loans crushed the economy with its increasing defaulters list. The overload was passed on to the exiting taxpayers who felt that they were financing the education for no reason. The students reeling under debt either left education or grabbed a miniscule task to pay back the loan in paltry interest. The Federal government had no option other than declaring such loan clients as defaults.
The student loans contribute to more than USD 1.2 trillion. Of these, more than USD 1 trillion is directed from the Federal quota. In order to cover up the deficit, the Students funds are diverted from the Retirement plans, Credit card debts and even parent borrowing schemes. The Obama Student Loan forgiveness plan was introduced to buffer the existing tax system from unnecessarily pushed to fill debt deficits in the country.

What are the current interest rates: Are they linked to market!
Yes. The current rates are market-driven. In a competitive display of smartness and best practices, the Federal Student loans programs have linked all their interest rates to the market. This will allow the students to consolidate federal loans accordingly. It will also ensure a consistent interest rate for over 25 years. The current rates are hovering around 3.8 percent. The earlier interest rate was an excruciatingly high chart of 6.8 percent. The capped rate has been placed at 8.25 percent to buffer the federal loan providers and clients from being affected by the market trends.

Obama student loan forgiveness

What this revision means?
The average Federal loan sum in America is standardized at USD 26,000. The total cost of this Federal loan sum for over 10 years is close to USD 38,600. The interest derived in each month from the loan sum is USD 320. The debt cost saves family expenditure and can be directed at buying assets like car, property and starting a business. The revision in the interest rates is a superior medium to boost self-dependence and bring in quality of education into life.

Safest way to finance Education in US: Get backing from the Forgiveness Scheme in Federal Student Loans

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Almost 75 percent of the students graduating from the US schools and colleges are already wrapped in thick blanket of debt amount. Fifty percent of them will never go on to pay back the sum in complete because of the inflation and limited professional commitments. Most students start digging into the federal loan amounts in their sophomore year. According to the recent reports published for American students applying for Federal Student Loans and consequently for the Obama Forgiveness program, almost two-third of the borrowers carry a debt of USD 26,000 into their first day at work. Some students have outstanding loan amount of USD 100,000 or more! Only 1 per cent of the students opting for the Federal Student Loans Forgiveness Programs have a loan sum below USD 5000.

How Obama’s Federal Student Loan forgiveness program is pitched?
The recently published report from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau suggests that the student loan debt has already crossed the USD 1.2 Trillion barrier. The USD 1 trillion of that amounts come from the students who have not even passed or completed their final year of graduation. Is distress and anxiety of a big loan debt pushing the students to a screeching halt in their education! The reports link it that way for now.

Not much behind the Mortgages
The relevance of opting for the student loan forgiveness program can be understood from the fact that the student federal loan debtors bear almost 6 percent of the total national debt sum. They rank only second to the consumer debt borne by the mortgagees. With such a huge volume of debtors reeling under consistent threat of being liquidated or being tagged as a deliquescent, the significance of getting cover under the Obama federal Student Loan forgiveness program is very high.

Who bear the brunt of debt defaults?
Obviously, it’s the taxpayers who bear the brunt of the defaulting list consisting of squandered federal Student Loans. The Federal Student Loans are backed by the Department of Education and some US federal government banks like the Sallie Mae. The Obama Student loan forgiveness programs has been introduced to neutralize the effect of defaults made on the loans and bring relief to regular tax payers.

Bringing value to Federal Student Loans
For years, the private student loans were competing with the federal lenders and did very well at pushing them out of business too! Reason: They were easy to apply and were flexible with their payment schemes. The Obama Student Lon Forgiveness programs bring the edge to the existing set of loans available for students. By keeping the private loans away from the forgiveness schemes, the President has made a smart move to link national GDP with simple educational loan funds. Twenty-over years of consistent interest payment generates noteworthy amount for driving the economy.
Safest mode: The federal student loans are the safest bet to finance education. The non-partisan policy indicates how the private loans have already maxed out their full potential.

How forgiveness program and loan consolidation can bring in relief to the student borrowers?

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Education loans have come as a tool of sustenance for students from under-privileged strata of the society. It has an addition to its easy borrow policy. The federal loans also have a superlative feature that has been recently introduced. The borrowers of federal student loans can earn respite by wining eligibility under the student loans forgiveness programs announced by President Barrack Obama. Any loan borrower who is availing the sum to fund his or her education can choose a program suiting the financial situation and the capability to pay back the sum in time.
Here’s a run-down on the features of federal student loans forgiveness programs that have made the federal student loans much more popular in recent times than their private loan counterparts.

student loan forgiveness
–    Student loans versus grants and Work-study earnings:
Unlike privileged schemes covered under scholarships, grants and work-study incomes, the federal student loans are more refined in terms of their eligibility and repayment. Though they attract significant amount of interest every month, it completely erases the need to tweak career goals and approach low-lying objectives. Most borrowers who fail to address scholarship goals switch to student loans to pursue the career objectives. With the introduction of student loans forgiveness programs, the federal loans have become an invaluable source of income and sustenance for students willing to make a good living. The scholarships are also a test on determination, talent, and accessibility to premium institutions and may end up jeopardizing the student’s life if it is not met.

In some cases, scholarships and grants are conceived as biased regime, which is not so with the student loans forgiveness programs.

–    Qualification terms:
Federal aid programs offer the student loans to both parents and their wards. The benefits are extended by fulfilment of the qualifying conditions mentioned in the FAFSA. FAFSA is Free Application for Federal Student Aid. It verifies the following factors before releasing the loan sum and putting the conditions likely to fall as per the student loans forgiveness programs.

1.    Student’s capacity to pay back the sum.
2.    Contribution expected from the family in paying back the sum in case the borrower meets financial or medical challenges.
3.    Eligibility for need-based aid

student loans forgiveness programs

Club Public commitment with the Consolidation of Loan Sum:
Most education loan experts feel that it is better to consolidate the federal loans. It is an easy way to simplify the payments as part of the student loans forgiveness programs. While there are minor bumps you must watch out for, the consolidation is a direct channel that makes billing under one mode. Even if you are finding it difficult to handle your loan portfolio, the consolidation of the Federal Student brings in centralized management. You can make smaller monthly payments for up to 30 years.

If you are commissioned with public service, you can earn forgiveness on the loan as part of the Obama Student Debt Forgiveness. With the tool of consolidated federal student loans marked with Obama Student Debt Forgiveness plan, you can save thousands of dollars in addition to a clear credit score.