Student Debt

Managing Your Student Loans with Smart Tips

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Money saved is money earned. Same logic applies to the student loan borrowers. If you are taking student loans for fulfilling education costs, you better watch out for the miscellaneous expenditures that often eat away into the loan sum. Though the Obama student loan debt forgiveness program has been introduced to bring relief to the borrowers, there are smart things that you can still do.

Here are 7 smart tips that will help you manage your funds better even with Obama Loan Forgiveness scheme in place.

–    Read the Fine prints of your student loan package
Always spend a few extra hours doing research about the documents provided. Screen the financial aid award letters to assess the aid packages you are eligible for. You can even compare the various offers. Obama student loan debt forgiveness program details are also provided with the new packages.

–    Turn into a Money saving machine during college
If you have borrowed student loan to complete your education, it makes sense to save as much as possible. Use the borrowed sum exclusively to cover college tuition fees, cost of living and food at max. Don’t splurge on the hangouts and parties from your petty cash loan fund! This is the money you have to pay back with interest.

–    Work part-time
If you are a talented programmer or have a knack for marketing, part-time jobs will always pay you well. Obama student debt forgiveness program encourage students to take up community roles. If you get a job with the government, you can earn forgiveness in 10 years of continuous monthly interest payment. Two benefits: You earn good money. You can make a launch pad for your career out of your first stint as a part-time employee.

–    Start interest payments instantly
You can correlate this tip with the part-time offers. While you are in college, making interest payments will save you the burden of expenses that are likely to come once you start you family. From buying a vehicle to applying for a home loan, a good payment history serves good in future as well.

–    Stay connected to the federal loan officers
Don’t resist the opportunity to contact your federal loan officer. Ask doubts and queries related to what are the benefits you can avail as part of your loan sum and the schemes like Obama student loan debt forgiveness program. You may also earn a highly deserving extension on your payment deadlines.

–   Credit checks: Stay Focussed and clear
Clean credit scores are important aspect of taking loan sums. If you fail to manage your student loan amount, the credit scores will reflect your bad choices. If you are planning to take student loan and also avail benefits under student loan debt forgiveness program, take the support of a co-signer who has a favourable credit score with good credit history.

–    Consolidate your loans
Consolidate federal student loans to earn a singular interest rate. It will also help you manage all your loans better without missing deadlines.


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The Obama Student Debt Forgiveness has become highly popular among the borrowers. However, according to sources, the administration of Obama is in a plan to overhaul the process of loan forgiveness for the students. They are of the view that their colleges have defrauded them. This was especially applicable in the context of collapse of the controversial profit-making Corinthian Colleges. According to the report, students can now borrow federal loans to be discharged, provided they can prove a school used illegal tactics. These students will also have to prove that the schools violated the state law in persuading them to borrow loans.

Obama Student Debt Forgiveness

According to critics, this process is referred to as “defense to repayment claim”. The process is undoubtedly complicated. Sometimes, it is even difficult to operate. Several students have moved their way to the claim process, which gives an implication of the fact that the system is in need of early repairing. The Department of Education will initiate field hearings from the next month. Consequently, it will set up an advisory panel for developing regulations for managing the overall process of loan forgiveness. Apart from that, the department is also making efforts to enhance provisions for holding colleagues that are related to the loans discharged.

This process looks forward to creating a comprehensive and clearer system, as stated by Arne Duncan, the Education Secretary. The officials comprising of the department claimed that they plan to get the entire system processed by the end of 2016 November. The effect will begin from the next July. If a Republican acquires the position in the White House, there are chances that the rule gets changed in the context of the timeline. The Republicans are urging for administrations to enquire into the colleges that break laws and redress them.

student debt forgiveness

Undoubtedly students have been hurt, but the department is trying to establish a precedent in such a way so that it puts the taxpayers on the hook. However, in the context of the Corinthian, there was nothing much for the government to go after. The Corinthian company filed for bankruptcy in May, and then it barely had $20 million in its assets. Consequently, it did not have the potential to cover the $3.5 billion debt in federal loans that was eligible for forgiveness. The education secretary said when institutions like Corinthian do not have proper assets; it will be the responsibility of the department to enforce some actions. This in turn will help the students prior to the complete collapse of the company.

The topic is complicated with different views and opinions. As a financer, the Education Department has to suffer losses in the context of defraud of the students. On the contrary, when it tries to give an explanation of the occurrence of the fraud, it finishes off by pointing a finger at itself. Corinthian is currently sued by the state in charge of trapping students with false sales practices and predatory loans. The charges and allegations told about the program’s success resulted in the loss of federal funding access.

Plan your Student Forgiveness Term Productively: Make a Good Start right in the College

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The importance of making a timely repayment on the student loans is very important. The biggest reason why the student loan borrowers are queuing up for an entry into the Obama student debt forgiveness program is it simplicity. The amount of money you have spent on your education is very much evident in the student loan debt. The greater the debt, higher is the chance that you would be rendered as ineligible for a mortgage. The Student loans forgiveness programs cuts the chances of you ending with a deferred federal education loan amount.

How deferred federal student loan affects future?
Most health insurance companies and the life insurance providers verify the credit score of an individual before proceeding with the documentation.  More than 40 per cent of the student loan borrowers miss out on these services because of deferred loan repayments. The Obama student debt forgiveness program gives an opportunity to the borrowers to get a good insurance scheme without compromise.
Take into account that multiple student loans and their deferment can come in your way of mortgage approval. If you are planning to buy a new house on home loan, the big-ticket credit on the debt could be counted against your income. Take precautions while dealing with big debts. The approval from the forgiveness agencies can definitely come across as a benefit while buying a house. The expenditure will be counted in favour of your regular expenses.

List your multiple Loans every time you make a credit account
Experts on the loan repayment schemes ask the borrowers to create multiple credit accounts to manage each of their loans. The education loans are applied and disbursed through the Enrolment-period term. The multiple loan payment showing on the credit report figures will stand against your chance of getting a home loan. Get a letter from the creditor to approve the balance amount on the minimum payment of each loan set.

Get a Payment letter
The Obama debt forgiveness program is a very good support system since it allows the borrower to avail a payment letter from the creditor. It will be issued in case the student loan borrower has deferred on a loan for a year or more. The payment obligation is estimated to clear the credit report issues in case the borrower is looking for a future loan.

Try in luck with a Co-signer on the mortgage
If you already have a federal student loan on your head, consider getting a co-signor on your mortgage amount. The co-signor may be a little wry about signing it as it carries a certain amount of risk, but if you are honest and reliable, you will get a good backing nonetheless. The income will offset the liability you hold on the borrowing you can make. Ensure that you consolidate the federal student loans before applying for the forgiveness. This will help you beat the professional mortgage issues more effectively

Forgiveness in Federal Loans likely to grow into a Big Socio-Economic Push

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The Obama administration is leaving no stone unturned to upgrade the way Federal loan segment is handled in USA. It recently announced a series of amendments in the Direct Loan Program. The Obama Debt forgiveness program is already a raging success. The new announcements are executive decisions that have been proposed to boost the volume of people engaged in productive public service.

consolidate federal student loans

Goodbyes to third Party Collectors
The new student loan forgiveness program is being projected as a pillar of support to both education as well as economy. The objective of the forgiveness program is to make the Federal student loans more affordable and easier to manage. In all likelihood, all the intermediary non-federal agencies and third party agencies will be pushed out of the debt collection channels. The Pay as you Earn proposal will be available to more than 1.2 millions student borrowers and open new opportunities to them if they wish to consolidate Federal Student Loans more efficiently. The effect already took shape in 2014 and the statistics now suggest that the new income groups will profit from the scheme from 2017. As of now, only borrowers of federal loan schemes registered between October 2007 and October 2011 are covered under the student loan forgiveness program with Pay as You Earn scheme.

Watch Out for 2017
The cap for the Pay as You Earn scheme for student borrowers has been set at 10 %. The balance debt can be repaid in 20 years from the day of loan application. The only criterion for forgiveness is to pay the monthly interest sincerely for 20 years without fail. By 2017, the changes will attract close to 6 million borrowers. The new federal loan borrowers can effectively consolidate Federal student loans and slash the existing interest rates by significant amount.

Limitations are just a Pass
There are few specific limitations as well when it comes to avail the benefits of student loan forgiveness program. The loan statement does not suggest any thing about whether the student can pursue education abroad. As per the current norms, only American students can apply for Federal Student Loans and not international students. In future, the forgiveness scheme is likely to be uniformly applied throughout education segment covering K-12 students as well. There could be some respite for international students who wish to serve in the country as its patriots.

federal student loan consolidation

New Job Opportunities and Socio-Economic Boost
The most important aspect of the Student Loan forgiveness program is its effect on the public service opportunities. To avail forgiveness within 10 years of loan debt interest repayment, more students are enrolling with public service. Engineers are ready to work with civil infrastructure and Smart City Development plans. Suddenly, there are more educated officials working at public offices. This directly has a significant impact on the quality of federal services enjoyed by the citizens. In a way, the money funnelled from the tax payers Treasury to the forgiveness program invariably comes back as a service to the nation.

With flagging job market and infrastructure in the country, the student loan forgiveness program is definitely a good debt management scheme.

Obama hits the Bulls Eye with the Student Debt Forgiveness Program

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Almost 33 percent of the professional workforce in USA has taken student loans at some point of time in their academic career. The student loans have become the norm of the current education system. It is more so because of the initiatives taken by President Barrack Obama to replenish the federal system with more career-oriented citizens and service-driven public officers. The last couple of decades have been very harsh on the American education. The volume of immigration has increased and the students in USA now belong to more ethnically diverse backgrounds. Moreover, the number of wars fought in the last 10 years has put the education system on the back-burner. In order to give a boost to the public services, Barrack Obama has played a maser-stroke to encourage the students to take availing student loans to focus on education.

student loan forgiveness

Not long ago, and to some extent even today, students who availed the loan service could not manage to repay the whole amount as per the schedule. It leads to garnishment of wages, confusion in the expenditure budget and also pushes the person to look out for double employment. Double employment is still considered as unethical in certain parts of the world. In USA, double employment can lead to IP infringement moves and can also lead to clash of business interest. It is a double whammy for the students who wish to avail the student loan but have no backing from the government. The Student loan forgiveness program announced by Obama has definitely helped in shifting the focus away from debt ridden economy to restricting the link between education and financial services.

In the last 2 years, the students who availed the loans for education benefited largely from the loan forgiveness programs linked with Obama Student Debt Forgiveness scheme. The program helps the students to bargain time and spread their debt sum over a longer period of time with superlative backing from the agencies.

Obama Student loan forgiveness

 The star pointers of the program are:

  • With a relatively extended time to repay your debt amount, chances of maintaining a clean credit record are so easy.
  • The agencies guide the students to plan their repayment schedules so that they don’t end up being inducted in to’ Hall of shame’ of non-payers.
  • The repayment sum is linked to income. The loan agencies know the exact financial condition of the debtor at all stages of loan forgiveness program.
  • The flexible rates can be availed as per the debtor’s requirement. You can now consolidate the interest rates with other loan amount you may have taken earlier or are planning to take shortly.
  • It encourages the employment of public servants who have their loan sums forgiven after 10 years of continuous employment. Only condition that comes with the scheme is that you would have to pay the interest sum regularly on schedule without missing out the deadline ever in the 120 months of loan repayment.
  • No garnishment of wages once you are forgiven. Your record is wiped clean fromthe debtors list.

Now, you can actually plan your education far more effectively and need not worry about the repayment of loans for at least 25 years.

How Obama Student Debt Forgiveness Program works?

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The Obama Student Debt Forgiveness is a stout prospect in improving the educational system in America. It now drives the motivation of students to pursue education without worrying about financial condition. The students now consider all available fee payment options. They have the power to direct and regulate flow of fund during the formative years. The Student loan forgiveness program has emerged as an apt solution for educational needs. It helps in long run as it combines education, job and banking system.

Obama Student Debt Forgiveness

The scholar loans are financial aids that drive the enthusiasm of students across the world. In America, the recently announced Obama Student Debt Forgiveness has given a new lease of inspiration to the professionals. The private employees and those employed with public service agencies can have a fulfilling academic career. Till last decade, most American professionals acknowledged the difficult they faced in repayment of the loan sum. The Obama Loan Forgiveness is explicitly designed to offer better aids to the debtors in their life. Most face hurdles in paying back the sum mainly because of poor financial condition. The forgiveness program is a consecration for the debtors covered by the student loan program. Despite difficulty in including every insolvent as part of the forgiveness program, the federal agencies have outlined qualifying criteria for eligibility of loan.

The Obama Debt Forgiveness offers the following assistance to the American students. Let us take a quick look at major benefits offered by the program.

  1. It has flexible, yet a minor repayment condition. It is concomitant to the net family income of the nonpayer.
  2. Even if the student is single and does not have a family, the program considers the financial condition and circumstances of the borrower.
  3. The defaulter no longer has to stick to a fixed interest rate policy as prescribed earlier in the loan program. They can opt for revised rates and merging of federal loans.
  4. The program carries clearance conditions through single window as well as compound monthly schemes.
  5. In order to avail future loan scheme, it requires a spotless credit track-record for qualification.
  6. Avail most benefits by serving in public service. All debts are written off after completion of 10-years in a public service.
  7. Forgiveness is offered after successful completion of 25-years of continuous repayment. Never miss a single repayment to earn mercy from repayment of the student loan.

The student forgiveness program for student debtors offers numerous paths to avoid the wage garnishment in order to payback the debt amount. Every borrower has to thoroughly understand the facts of the Student Debt Forgiveness program before submitting an application for it and conditions in which it can be cancelled.

student loan forgiveness

There are alternative debt forgiveness and clemency schemes accessible with distinctive benchmarks for every individual. All of them ensure fortification against credit scars. You definitely stand unbiased entry into the future loan forgiveness schemes as well. Obama has definitely managed to churn a novel idea from his brainstorming with leading bankers, financiers and academicians of America.

Why Pay as you Earn program an Integral part of Obama Student Debt Forgiveness Program?

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The novel idea behind the Obama Student Debt Forgiveness is to allow thousands of students avail loan to manage their expenses better. It helps in soothing their anxiety related to the repayment of loan sum. While various tools are present to help the students to get rid of the loan sum quickly, most of them are altogether unaware of the presence of any such program that can be availed during repayment of loan phase.

Obama Student Debt Forgiveness

The Obama Student Debt Forgiveness scheme “Pay as You Earn” is beneficial in converting income into loan repayment amount. The Pay as You Earn is one of the supplementary programs that have been introduced to push the prospects of the Student Debt Forgiveness effectively and help the students to negotiate the terms and conditions of loan repayment schedule.

It allows the borrowers to plan their monthly loan repayments better. With a cap limit of 10 percent of the income, student can manage their expenditure effectively. It allows the students who have taken loan as part of the federal student loans scheme to save thousands of dollars every year. It also allows them to extend the loan shelf life and add a bit of flexibility. With a continuous repayment schedule, the students stand a chance to repay their loan amounts in a more relaxed manner. With consolidated interest rates, the Obama Student Debt Forgiveness scheme is a smart way to complete education by using the features of PAY as You Earn.

Obama Student Debt Forgiveness protects the student borrowers from paying significantly higher debts by offering the Pay As You Earn scheme that writes off the loan sum. If the borrower manages to make timely payment every month for twenty years, the loan is forgiven completely. For those, who are serving as public servants or in NGO, the Obama Student Debt Forgiveness scheme forgives their amount after 10-years of on-time payments. The program offers flexibility as long as you are in touch with your regular payment schedule.

student loan forgiveness

The repayment schedule is worked out on the basis of various factors. It includes the amount of the loan sum you owe to the federal agency, the interest rate set for you and whether you belong to the poverty line. When it comes to the deciding on the poverty line, every state has its criteria. The students can take advantage of it if they fall under the category. The Student Forgiveness program is a breath of fresh air that comes as a great option for student borrowers reeling under poverty.

Students, who availed loan and now are struggling to make monthly payments and are on the verge of earning bad credits on their loan repayment schedule, should go for Pay as You Earn scheme. It is a reliable ray of hope. The Obama student forgiveness program will revise the contracts with the federal loan agents in order to strengthen the financial enticements meant to help the borrowers manage their loan amount in a much better way. The program helps students to pursue their career without bothering about loan payment.

How Obama Student Debt Forgiveness ensure affordability?

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When Obama announced the Student loan forgiveness program, his intention was to ensure that at least one million students would take student loans in the subsequent years to complete their education and earn degrees. In 2010, he had aimed at making America the home of the largest number of college-going graduates. The Obama Student Debt Forgiveness is a unique medium to beat the challenges of growing inflation and issues of unemployment that render most borrowers bankrupt. We tell you key aspects of how the forgiveness program ensures complete freedom from strict payments and extend affordability to the loan program.

student loan

Percentage payment

Obama Student Debt Forgiveness enables a student to borrow loans where they will be required to pay only 10 percent of their income. This percentage would be exclusively directed to make recovery of the student loan repayment. The students will have their entire loan amount forgiven after 20 years if they manage to pay their monthly interests without missing the payment schedule.

Special provisions

The Obama Student Debt Forgiveness has a special provision for the students who have taken loans and intend to serve in public offices. The debt for these students will be forgiven after ten years if they have chosen a career path in serving the public as lawyers, doctors, police forces and firemen. This program ensures that the students not only finish their academic curriculum successfully but also have a fulfilling career without being bothered about repayment schedules.

Cover for bad credit holders

As per records, almost 66 percent of students take loans and suffer from an average debt of USD 25,000 every year. It is a mammoth figure given the fact that almost fifty percent out of these, students have to bargain their ambitions and choose low paying public service. In case they are inflicted with unemployment, bad health or failure to complete education the burdensome debt program is made affordable when covered under the Obama Student Debt Forgiveness scheme.

Links with other schemes

In addition to the Obama Student Debt Forgiveness, other programs have been linked to the debt scheme so that the students can feel the buffer to pursue their ambitions. It also inspires them to consider making a headway towards public services as well. Health care and education reconciliation Act empowers the student loan borrowers to explore new avenues in terms of repaying their loan sum successfully without being labeled as bad credit record holders. It was set to make the program affordable by expanding the span of loan forgiveness. It can also be linked to income-based repayment plan that covers most of the federal student loan borrowers. By linking various schemes under the income-based repayment, more than one million student’s loan borrowers would be able to keep a tab on their monthly payments and manage their expenses accordingly.


Results expected

The payments will drastically reduce by as much as USD 120 per month for an average student loan borrower. The Obama Student Debt Forgiveness program is funded by the federal subsidies offered to the various financial institutions. It covers only those agencies that offer guaranteed federal loans for students.

U.S. student debt burden falling more on top earners, easing bubble fears

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A graduating student has ''I Did It'' written on her mortar board during Commencement Exercises at Boston College, May 19, 2014.
A graduating student has ”I Did It” written on her mortar board during Commencement Exercises at Boston College, May 19, 2014.

(Reuters) – Young Americans with big college debts are often portrayed as struggling to pay their bills. The reality is somewhat different – those owing super-sized student loans tend to be higher paid.

A Reuters analysis of Federal Reserve data shows that over the past two decades the young with higher incomes have gone from owing less of the debt than the average household to owing considerably more.

U.S. student loan balances have quadrupled since 2004 to $1.1 trillion (688.84 billion pounds), prompting credit rating agency Standard & Poor’s and others to express fears the borrowing could crimp consumer spending, especially home buying, and eventually lead to the painful bursting of a bubble. Worries over high loan levels have also been voiced by President Barack Obama and more recently, Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen.

Without doubt, many families struggle to pay the rising costs of college, and high levels of unemployment have only added to the distress. Delinquency rates on student loans remain well above historically average levels.

Graphic: High class problemsBut the analysis of the Federal Reserve’s Survey of Consumer Finances, a triennial survey published in September with 2013 data, makes it clear that heavy borrowing is usually rewarded with big salaries. The increased concentration of debt among the well-paid should ease concerns that the surge in debt is a wider economic threat.

The data show that most of the nation’s overall loan balances are held by those earning more than $60,000. Moreover, among households that owed at least $60,000 and were young, defined as those headed by someone between 20 and 40 years of age, average income last year was $82,000.

This includes people like Larry Perrone.

His journey into the legal profession started at the private Florida Coastal School of Law in Jacksonville, Florida. He had been working as a bartender and planned to borrow around $130,000, figuring he could make $80,000 a year as a lawyer at a private practice.

Perrone did well in his studies, and after a year and a half transferred to the more expensive William & Mary School of Law in Williamsburg, Virginia. That meant more borrowing, but potentially a lifetime of higher earnings because his degree would be stamped by a much more prestigious school.

“If you’re going to get a tattoo, do you go to a really expensive place or to a cheap guy? It wasn’t a really difficult decision for me,” Perrone said.

In 2008 after graduating nearly $200,000 in the red, he took a job at a big firm in Washington, making $160,000 a year. “It worked out well.” He initially put off buying a home, but finished paying his loans this year and is now eyeing a condo in Florida.


Perrone’s story is part of a larger trend in which heavy borrowing is increasingly rewarded with big salaries. Seen another way, as the salaries of the well-educated have grown relative to everyone else over the last quarter century, so has the borrowing that has paid for their training.

By last year, the top fifth of total households by income, or those making more than $101,000, was on the hook for roughly a third of student loan balances, nearly twice their share in 1989, according to the Fed survey. At the beginning of the period, student loans were mostly held by middle income families – the next two fifths down the income ladder. But their share fell sharply by 2013 and the share of the bottom two fifths held about steady.

The data does not show the income of students’ parents so it is not possible to draw conclusions about the backgrounds of heavy borrowers. The numbers do suggest, however, that worries that America is heading for a debt crisis over student loans are overblown.

“There’s no bubble here,” said Sandy Baum, a professor of higher education at George Washington University. “People who borrow a lot tend to end up with high paying jobs.”

Take Baker Logan, who borrowed about $120,000 to get an engineering degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, which data firm Payscale ranks as a top three school for long-term alumni earnings. The average mid-career MIT grad makes $128,800 a year.

“MIT has that name, so you immediately get that wow feature when you’re talking to employers,” Logan said. He graduated this year and is working at a consulting company in Woburn, Massachusetts. Logan, who asked that his current income not be disclosed, expects to pay off his 30-year student loan ahead of schedule.

The data also suggests that the more you study, the more you earn, even if it means building up much larger debts.

Last year, a young American household with student debt and a main breadwinner with four years of college owed $32,000 and earned about $61,000 on average.

The income is a third more than the earnings of a family with just a high school diploma.

And the rewards were even higher for young families that have a member who did graduate studies. They owed $55,000 but this came with an income of $99,000 on average.

Jason Delisle, an education policy expert at the New America Foundation in Washington, has analyzed government data and estimates that about 40 percent of current U.S. student loan balances were taken out to finance grad school. This, he says, should temper worries about the debt burden’s wider impact.

“It’s almost like the problem goes away,” said Delisle, who used to be a senior analyst on the Republican staff of the U.S. Senate Budget Committee.


While more Americans go to college and grad school than a generation ago, annual growth in enrolment has slowed since the 1980s and many economists believe this has been a key force in lifting the incomes of the affluent relative to the rest of the country.

The theory is that the supply of well-educated workers is falling short of demand in an increasingly high-tech economy, pushing the wages of college grads higher.

This makes it easier to pay back money borrowed for increasingly pricy educations. New York Fed researchers said in September that even though college tuition has soared in recent decades, higher wages mean a four-year college grad in 2013 will on average break even on their investment in about 10 years, half the time it took for students who graduated in the 1970s.

Rising debt levels nonetheless worry some policymakers, including Yellen. Citing the same Fed survey, she noted in October that for the bottom half of U.S. families by net wealth, student loans balances grew to 58 percent of yearly income in 2013 from 26 percent in 1995.

The Obama administration worries that some colleges, particularly private ones, might be overcharging students for degrees that don’t lead to good jobs. The impact of the 2007-09 recession has weighed heavily on this group, as it has on those who borrowed for college but dropped out before graduating.Kris Parker graduated with a law degree from Florida Coastal and about $200,000 in debt but has struggled to make enough money to make loan payments. “My credit has been ripped apart,” he said. “I can’t buy a car. I have a hard time buying furniture.”

Student loan bills at least three months past due rose sharply after the recession to hit nearly 12 percent in 2012. Delinquencies have fallen steadily since late last year and were last pegged at 10.9 percent between April and June, but that is still nearly twice the average rate between 2003 and 2007.

Still, the administration is wary of the view that big student debts are inherently bad.

“Rising debt has paid for an increase in the numbers of people able to receive higher education … and has therefore raised incomes and increased growth,” Deputy Treasury Secretary Sarah Bloom Raskin said in September in a speech on student loans and the economy.

Raskin cited research by Brookings Institution researchers Matt Chingos and Beth Akers, who found monthly student loan payments have held steady relative to income over the last two decades. “There is a great deal of integrity and stability in the student loan market,” Raskin said.

For the Brookings researchers – who attribute the stability in debt burdens to lower interest rates, longer payment periods and higher incomes – there are dangers in America’s angst over student loans.

“Debt is a tool,” said Akers. “If anything, I’d want to encourage lower income people to take more advantage of it.”

(Reporting by Jason Lange in Washington; Additional reporting by Rebecca Elliott and Elvina Nawaguna in Washington; Editing by David Chance and Martin Howell)


Top 5 Benefits of Obama Debt Forgiveness Program

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We take a look at the top benefits that will be evident in the Obama Debt Forgiveness Program. The loan forgiveness program stands to offer exciting features and advantages that will no longer be considered as a burden in long-term plan. Instead, the Student Loan program offered by the Federal Government is now tagged as the single most inspiring factor when it comes to enrolling into progressive academic curriculum.


We take a snap shot at some of the benefits achieved by the borrowers covered as part of the Federal Student Loan Forgiveness Scheme. These are related to the tax exemptions, public service benefits, long-term affordability and building relation with NGO’s and federal service agencies.

1 Tax Relaxations as per Section 108(f)

The borrowers who are covered under the Forgiveness scheme are exempted from the Tax payments as per the Section 108(f). The Internal Revenue Code shields the borrowers from being taxed if they are associated with particular occupations. The borrowers who have not worked with any public service agency will continue to be taxed by the federal government.

2 Work in a public service job to avail income-based repayment

Borrowers who are not working for public service agencies can still avail the income-based repayment scheme and apply for forgiveness after 25 years of consistent monthly repayment. Only if you are working in a public service job, the debt can be written-off in 10 years and not dragged for 25 years.

3 Relaxed eligibility to avail Loan Forgiveness:

The conditions to be covered under Forgiveness scheme consist of documenting and applying for the loan debt forgiveness every year if you are working with a public service agency. To take advantage of this public service loan forgiveness program, the borrower has to shift his federal loan payment into the more comprehensive Direct Loan Program. This ensures that the borrower is associated with the Public service for ten years before gaining forgiveness and does not leave the organization once the debt is written off. It will also allow the borrowers with income greater than the beneficiary sum to gain protection against taxes. It would greatly benefit the borrowers whose debt sum is a little less than their income slab.


4 Public service jobs get a boost:

As per the Federal Student Loan Forgiveness program, the definition of Public service jobs covers the following occupation:

  1. Teachers teaching in elementary, middle and high-schools
  2. First responders involved with policy, fire, EMT
  3. Public librarians,
  4. Social workers,
  5. Public defenders and prosecutors
  6. Medical officers
  7. People associated with tax-exempted NGO’s
  8. Military Personnel

In case your job fails to qualify for the public service loan forgiveness, the debt sum can be consolidated and linked effectively with the income-based repayment eligible for forgiveness after 25 years in service.

If you want to details on your qualification and eligibility, call 1-800-4-FED-AID (1-800-433-3243).

5 Repayments need not be consecutive:

The biggest benefit of being covered under Student loan Forgiveness program is that the borrowers need not make a regular payment in consecutive term. In case, if the borrower was laid-off and then got back his job, the scheme would not disqualify the person for non-payment of sum. The scheme continues to match the 120-month repayment deadline.